Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gay Bar Windsor, Ontario

Trophy Christmas at Lake Helen (PZ)

Yesterday, December 26, 2010, was played at Lake Helen to sink the "Trophy of Christmas," a Trout Lake competition now interregional event of interest which saw the participation of several agonists in Puglia, Basilicata and Campania.

This video shows my approach to the race, the main phases, some photos of the most beautiful and action sports councilor of the Municipality of sink. Finally, the awards ceremony and the greeting with a fervent wish for 2011 is rich in so many catches.

The story is available here:

Photos: = 274470 & id = 132559753183

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wax Chemical Formulas

2010: A year with a bang

We are now at the end of 2010. On Sunday, my last fish for the trophy important interregional Christmas sink.

I'm here to take stock of fishing for this year just ended. Should I start from our first expedition in January, but I know that was the most important year for me since I took the cane in hand, in 1993. One year of victories, satisfaction, arguments, tears and unexpected encounters. A 2010 will remember that in many ways, first of all being the leader of a team that gave me immense satisfaction as a man, as a person.

since January: slide-to-lake-lake-andrea.html

A month that comes to trout , of our consolidated the technique in which we are now considered "prophets" in Puglia. The trout-lake. We'll remember our first win of the " salzizzone giant Willow Lake in Foggia and caught zero thermal Rapolla .

February: -Sunday-at-lake-andrea-rapolla.html

Trout, trout and more trout. With the ' imancabile Leofishing and dearest Bidumba . Super victory " salzizzone " for Antonio, our dear friend Foggia. Then the Fishing Show in Bologna, and even trout in Rapolla , where our results will be devastating.


Trout Lake Graziella, with 3 degrees below zero. Just a bunch of crazy people like us could face yet another challenge for the confirmation of our stubbornness to achieve all the results that the lake trout we require of every meeting. It 'also to remember our collective caught at Easter, which I clearly told on Pescareonline . One Easter, at least for me, marks the beginning of a personal conversion to the important principles of life.

May: murgia.html

Forgetting April, which was a bit 'mean catch , we move in May. A month which marks the awakening of passion in our inland waters and at sea, with good catches of mullet and minnows .

June: milkfish-and-then-in-the-molfetta.html-

June is the month of my move, the forced stop to fishing for personal matters. Nevertheless, we record two fine Basentello fished the piers and a floating Molfetta, with the capture of Tonino, a cefalazzo over the kilogram, all mud and oil.

July: 2010/07/pescata-di-carpe-in-compagnia.html

time catfish and carp in Lake Locone . Few fish, but essential, with excellent results, whereas the heat does.

August: / super-Skipjack-spinning-hard-reality-da.html

Two catches that do not need presentations. What gives more satisfaction is the first, a wonderful 1.7 kg bass caught in the port of Molfetta.

September: andrea-of-the-lake-rapolla.html

The trout season starts great, engaging two Sundays in a "review" to the beginning of our championship-lake trout.

October: marisabella.html-

The first link refers to the fishing trip of 10 / 10/2010. It will be a date to remember, our first outing with the girls. Surely the ' most important event of this year, which is worth much more than all of our catch. Then there is the very picture of a monstrous Bidumba cefalazzo imposing our supremacy on the ground of race Marisabella , and finally the devastating caught in that of Benevento, where we enforced with a good result.


We conclude Wheeled of memories with "Stories", the post last November, which marks the end at least for me, this fishing season.

expect a 2011 even more fervent in satisfaction and catches. Since March he started a fishing lake and, hopefully, we will involve even more adept with the technique of ledgering, our way of life.

Now the best pictures of this 2010. Enjoy.

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My Christmas gift to the "competition" Stop fishing

E 'needed was a I stop for a few minutes in the forum of "competition" to get nice comments like "we've only to learn."

But are we really believe?

Well at Christmas should be good and it is time for gifts.

I, I feel good, so I will give you a gift. Turned cheek and forgive you for your pranks.

What gift is this? Del show you that if you have to learn, you can only do that to me, dear cousins \u200b\u200b.

SEO program started a year now (SEO = Search Engine Optimization) confirms the superiority of PESCANET on all other websites that deal with Fishing in Puglia. Concepts that address Marketing and Communications in the world, perhaps you are not familiar given the poor results.

I speak with facts, not words. the words I teach to fish with my articles. In the words beg to dream with my stories.

And here are the facts, with images that speak clearly, you have a small nightmare.

All the major keywords of the moment, but we could continue with other like "Bass Fishing in Puglia " "Portal puglia fishing", etc. etc.. The only

your victory is a classic Pyrrhic victory with the keyword "fishing Puglia Portal." But even if I had the forum, I'd have a beard and hair.

So get off the pedestal once in a while. And do good, remembering that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe brand "Fishing in Puglia" came first with Pescanet in 2006, then arbitrarily copied by others.

Ah, I had forgotten.

Merry Christmas to you, Director & Vice-Chancellor.

I hope that this slice of the cake is to your liking.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Unlock Dvd Sony Dvp-sr200p

Unfortunately, during sleep, due to conditions precarious health, pressing musical commitments with the Blue Box and a growing body of work in the office. I plan to go fishing on 20/22 December. In the meantime, prepare a nice video summary of the best moments of fishing for 2010.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Microwave Popping The Breaker

Secrets Fishermen

Right on time like every month, even for December, is on sale a new Secrets of The Fisherman, our favorite magazine.

We talk about fishing in midwater, dedicated to bass, garfish, bream and many surprises.

The appointment is on sale, only € 3.90!