Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dimplex Portable Air Conditioner Manual

wishes for a better new year .....

The company hopes to ideas for members and friends a better 2010 than its predecessor and once again a couple of interesting quotes. Greetings and see you soon!

''In democratic countries the science of association is the science-
mother of all progress depends on the other progress of that. "
" A nation that does not ask his Government other than the policing is already a slave at the bottom of my heart. "

A. de Tocqueville

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There will be those who say that this is just rhetoric. But if it is-and I say that as an atheist missionary, then it is that kind of rhetoric of "in the beginning was the Word, who created the world drawn from the words. That makes real what for others is not even imaginable.

We need not fear people whose insufficiency is likely to define narrow horizons. Their influence will mean washed away by history. There are these examples that allow us to look beyond. Let us give naive, let those who cynically reject the ideals that these words express discover for themselves the impossibility of creating a coherent set of values.

A fertile future, a desirable future: this must be our bet.

David Orban

 - Businesses Ideas for Cultural Association headquarters in Florence c / o Studio Basegni Via Giambologna 37 50132 Firenze (FI) tax code 94163350484 fax: +39 0550518811 IBAN IT45 Q050 1802 8000 0000 0125 888  


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