Why run?
In cycling parlance we say we're going to run when you participate in sporting competition: the race. Running bike is much more complicated than it may seem, actually is a true craft that is learned over time. Not just the 'training, not just by force, if they are not mixed with the' experience all your effort will be in vain.
must learn to be in a group, their energy to be used only at the right time and in tune with magic when you enter the race everything will be easier.
The sensation of the race is beautiful: it starts from 'alignment to the start line with the' call waiting on. After the starting gun you start riding you'll see that soon someone will try to escape with an immediate extension of the group. Should not stand in back of the pack early in the race because the shots make you feel more angry and may lose the trail.
Beware of the crisis that eventually arrives but you grit your teeth as it comes and goes you'll feel polished and ready to face your final.
The best feeling in the race for me is to hear the hiss of tires on that seize 'asphalt raising and lowering the tone at different speeds and the rumor of the people that is organized to help with the race strategy. A beautiful world
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